Thursday, August 23, 2012

Photo - Advent by Candlelight 1994

This photo was taken at St. Francis Xavier
and the writing on the back states:
"Advent by Candlelight 1994."

Two of the people in this photo have gone home to The Lord.

One of the people in this photo is now a professional singer
with Orquesta La Inspiracion.

One of the people in this photo, I hear tell,
is going to be a soloist at the Choir Fest,
which is being held on
Saturday, Oct. 27th at noon
at St. Andre Bessette Parish in Ecorse.

Hope to see you all there!!

Are you in this photo?
What do you remember about this event?
Do you attend every year?
What do you remember
about performing for Advent by Candlelight?
Do come and join us
and share your memories
while creating new ones!!

. . . oh, I'm the photo, too!!! 
. . there I am, 2nd from the left,
green sweater and black jacket and skirt. ..

. . and you know,
I still use the zarape over the shoulder thingy. . .
. . the children's choir I currently direct uses them. . .
. . old habits die hard!!!

. . .see on Oct 27th!!!


  1. Rubi these photos were such wonderful memories of our days in the church choir! You know you are the first one that had faith in me.. of course, my mamita started it all for me but you made it happen... you gave me my first solo and pushed me to face my fears and sing... FLOR Y CANTO! I will never forget that and I will forever be grateful to you for sparking that in me ... yes, now I have been in La Inspiracion for over 12 years now! Love you Rubi!

    1. thanks, dulce. . . only doing what comes so natural to me: getting people to sing!!. . something about music is so healing, so cathardic. . your cares and worries disappear with music, or at least, one learns how to overcome. . .and how more so when the music is for Tata Dios. . .I do hope you'll be able to make to the choir festival. . . .St. Andre Bessette will be the first choir to perform. . . and the children's choir I currently direct will be the last to perform at this event. . Hope to see you there! Maybe you can help to inspire some of the little ones I work with now. Everything happens for a reason, and maybe you're a professional musician now so that you can, in turn, help to inspire others. Peace and God Bless! Hope to see you on Oct. 27th!!!! I love you, Dulce!


thanks for your thoughts!